Friday, October 18, 2013

Alpaca House Tenant Improvements on Schedule

The fluffy boys at the front of the property are getting some much awaited improvements to their home. In a past post, you will see that I built them a hideous pallet shelter with three sides and a nice metal roof to keep off the rain.

I've been waiting for some freeish plywood from our restaurant that was used to board up the windows while we were rennovating. And finally, those boards were available!

Mom is visiting from Florida and as pictured is helping spoil and care for the critters. Our projects this year during her stay is to try and finish up as many unfinsihed/mostly finished projects as we can. I'd also like to tidy up the ranch as it tends to get messy after a while. We seem to be starting at the front of the property and maybe we'll just work our way back.

Here are the boards when they were up on the restaurant face. They came off and on often while the workers were busy building up the bricks and planter, framing and stuccoing.

Yesterday my husband called to tell me to come and get the boards because all the new windows were finally in place. Mom and I headed down then and collected the goodies. There were more boards than I expected. Some have odd cuts in them, and we had to remove the old screws.

This morning we brought the old rechargable screwdriver and started to work. I only expected to get one of the big boards on, but we managed to get 5 up. Only one left to do. We're likely going to place a bracer across the front top as well. But that will have to wait until the batteries are charged again.

Here's our progress so far:

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