Monday, May 21, 2012

A Trade

Puffy heads are behind the pool
We have a lot of baby goats this year. On the last Day at the Farm, Angelica found a man who wanted a buck goat. He had three puffy headed female ducks he wanted to get rid of. So a trade was arranged. He came and checked out the babies and chose Star's smallest, Darkstar.
The puffy headed ducks were inducted into the goose and duck yard by the assertive Blue Duck (our male pekin who isn't blue at all). We now have six ducks in the yard and a baby still living in the chicken tractor who will move in as soon as she gets close enough to the door for me to catch her.

The ducks and geese don't get along too well. It's a constant battle for territory, with lots of quacking and honking. Well, except for BB who is madly in love with Blue Duck.

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